min read
January 21, 2022

Change your physique with a fitness goal


I love weight lifting, because you can completely change the shape of your body through the stimulus of a good training program and nutrition plan aligned to your goals. You cannot spot reduce fat but you can build or shape your body how you want but you can target the muscles that you want to grow. 

Change your physique according to your fitness goal:


Everyone will have that stubborn fat that always goes last. It’s just the case of being patient & continuing to reduce overall body fat %. You do not need to do endless of cardios or stop eating carbs. Weight loss comes with calorie deficit and movement. 


Train your glutes 3x per week at least. Use exercises that will target muscles in your glutes (combination of hip dominant, knee dominant, and lateral/rotation exercises). Eat in a small calorie surplus and make sure you do progressive overload. Those booty bands won’t build your booty :D. If you really wanna focus on building your quads & booty, check out my booty program: Fit by Wendy | Booty Growth Program


Build your glutes (yep), in addition to training your back and building your bum & shoulders. This will create an illusion of a smaller waist. Once you build the muscles and you are happy, then eat in a small deficit to reveal those new shapes. 


Well this one is mostly for guys haha, but just apply progressive overload in your upper body workouts. Focus on isolated exercises such as biceps curls variations, triceps extension variations as well as big compound lifts such as bench press. Ladies, do not worry, we will never have huge arms… Well, it is simply because we do not have enough testosterone, a male hormone that encourages the muscles to grow. In fact, women have ten to thirty times less bodybuilding hormones, testosterone than their male counterparts.
You also target your arms i other lifts like RDL, rows, chin ups, press ups etc. 


Lift heavyyyyy - apply progressive overloads into main lifts such as squats, leg press, RDLs, lunges. These exercises won’t make you bulky, don’t worry (but you have to watch your nutrition). Instead, they are going to help you to create defined quads and hamstrings. 


I know, everyone wants to have abs… But they are made in the kitchen. So stop doing 10000 crunches a day please and start cooking nice and nutritios meals to be in a calorie deficit. As you have to decrease your body fat %. This is key. And then add core training 2-3x a week. 

I hope you found these information useful :P. Check out my Instagram for more post like this.

Mine is definitely to build my bum even more, get abs and in general stay fit, strong and healthy.

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