min read
January 2, 2022

A Quick Guide to Healthier Christmas



First of all, focus on being present and enjoy your time with family instead of making the whole Christmas avout the food.

When it comes to eating, ask yourself before eating: 'Do I need to eat this?' or 'Am I hungry?'. Often, we eat simply because the food is in front of us, but we do not actually enjoy it or we feel guilty afterwards.

Remember: One day of indulging will not ruin your progress.


  • Make sure in each meal you eat source of protein (chicken, turkey, Greek yogurt, tofu, eggs, fish etc etc.).
  • Do not eat until you are hungry.
  • Include fasting if you feel you are full from all the eating (stop eating by 8pm or so) and do not eat for at least 14 hours (lunch time) so you can save some calories.  


  • Get your workout done in the morning to have it done!
  • If you do not have time for workout, go for a walk with your kids, dog, alone to listen podcast to get a fresh air and hit at least 8.000 steps. That will help you to digest all the food better, you will get a new ideas, you will release stress, you will be burning calories.
  • Try some of my quick YouTube workouts - my pick for this holiday is 'Yoga Workout'. This workout will leave you relaxed but sweaty! *Click on the picture to try it.

To more important matters, take this time during Christmas to allow yourself to relax and eat what you want, I know I will hihi. Life is all about balance. And if you just hate Christmas, don't worry, it will be soon over. When the new year comes, I promise you, we are going to have so much fun.

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