We’re living in unprecedented times. Navigating these unchartered and ever changing waters is challenging and it’s absolutely natural and completely expected to feel anxious, sad, tearful and worried about what’s happening in the world around us. It’s because so many things are out of our control and uncertain that now, more than ever we need to look after ourselves and prioritise self care. So what can we do? Here are my top 11 ways to find #calm during chaos.
1. Find an online
#yoga #classYoga is an incredible #practice to cultivate calm. By moving our bodies, we shift stuck energy which has accumulated and by focusing on our breathing whilst we move through postures, this keeps our mind focused and away from our racing thoughts.
An hour of yoga is a way to gift ourselves a precious hour away from social media, work, housework, our kids, family or our ‘to-do’ list and just be present with ourselves. We are given the opportunity to really check in and notice how we’re feeling. The more we invite in an awareness to our thoughts and emotions, the less hold they have over us and we invite in a sense of acceptance, understanding and peace.
2. Download a #Meditation app or join an online meditation class
There is no doubt, a regular meditation practice cultivates calm and creates space and much needed stillness within the mind. If meditation seems daunting, download an app like ‘Headspace’ or check YouTube for free to guide you through simple meditation techniques. Even better, join an live online meditation class and be guided through a range of different techniques.
There are so many different styles of meditation so find the type that works for you. For example visualisations may help you relax best or perhaps repeating a mantra or saying affirmations to yourself works best. Now is the perfect time to try different styles and see what can bring you to a sense of calm.
3. Focus on our breathing
In highly stressful times, the most powerful tool we have at our fingertips is our #breath. Take deep breaths in and out, focus on the inhale and exhale and be still in the moment. Create space with every breath and continue mindful breathing until the anxiety, stress or worry feels controllable. Simply inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth for 5 minutes can totally shift the way you feel.
4. Write down things to be grateful for
Right now the world can seem overwhelming and scary but if you bring your awareness to your direct environment, there will always be something to feel #grateful for and this brings a sense of joy and peace. It could be as simple as enjoying a cup of tea in silence, having a cosy home to be safe in, having time with the children or simply being healthy right now- there is always gratitude to be found and this can shift your entire mindset in an instant. If it helps, make it a regular practice and for the next few weeks, every day write down 5 things you’re grateful for. If this becomes an ongoing regular habit…even better!
5. Be more mindful in everyday activities
This is the perfect time to become more mindful. We can start to truly slow down and introduce mindfulness into our everyday activities like brushing our teeth, making the bed and really tasting food. When we channel all of our focus into the the activity we’re doing, this helps us stay anchored in the present and distracts the mind from meandering.
6. Get into nature.
This is a big challenge for lots of us living in the city at the moment however it’s so worth finding a patch of green to walk to every day and make this part of your routine.
There is simply nothing better for lifting the spirits than connecting with nature. There is scientific evidence that shows exposure to nature can reduce hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure), respiratory tract and cardiovascular illnesses, #improve vitality and mood, and help reduce anxiety.
7. Put down your phone.
More than ever our phones and technology have become a lifeline to stay connected to family and friends. However choose what you are consuming online carefully. If you watch too much news, this is naturally going to start creating tension and fear in the mind and body. Be mindful of when you get caught in a scrolling frenzy and put down the phone if it’s creating anxiety.
8. Laugh
It’s ok to laugh and find joy in life at the moment. It’s ok to be enjoying yourself at the moment and feeling happy to be living a slower paced life. We don’t have to feel guilty for savouring this precious time. The situation is out of our control so the best thing we can do is accept it and make lemonade from the lemons.
9. Don’t be so hard on yourself!
We are our own worst enemies when we get caught in a cycle of negative self talk. We have never lived through such strange times and there is no manual on how to navigate them. This is not the time to be putting pressure on yourself to write a book, start a podcast, take on a new project unless you want to and it’s bringing you joy!
There is no expectation to do anything at the moment other than simply get through this period of time. Reach for the cake or do a workout, start a detox or drink all the wine….what matters is that you’re ok so do whatever works for you. Let's give ourselves a break and pepper all this self criticism with some self love and realise that we’re all doing the best we can.
10. Affirmations
We love using affirmations in times of stress and I find them really powerful. Find some affirmations that work for you and repeat them as often as feels good - I am safe and well. I am strong. I am calm. I am looked after. I am grateful. I am at peace. I surrender to what is. I trust that everything is happening exactly as it should. I let go.
11. Acceptance
Much human suffering is caused by us wanting things to be different. We dwell on the past or the future and how things should or could be but aren’t. Right now, we’re all missing special birthdays, celebrations or holidays. We’re all missing our loved ones. But there is nothing we can do to change what is. The minute we stop struggling against how we wish things could be and start seeing things as they are, we invite a softening in. Our emotions are like waves. They will roll in and then disappear. Ride the tide, accept whatever shows up, surrender to the magnitude of it all and know we’re all in this together and even though it might seem like an eternity right now, this will be over soon.