min read
August 11, 2022

10 Protein Snacks On The Go Ideas


You are always on the go, not having time to cook, you want to snack and feel good.

I got you, I have a freebie to help you with this. (read below)


If you know me, you know already how often I am saying that protein is super important for us as humans as well as if you'd like to see results.

Protein keeps you full for longer, compared to not eating enough protein, so it helps with fat loss as you burn more calories in the day.

Protein is underestimated still by many and I wish I knew how important it was when I first started training. A quick tip: Aim for 1.5g per 1kg of your bodyweight, at least 4 servings of protein during your day, evenly spread out.

So if you´re  kg, shoot for 97.5g of protein a day. Even if you only hit 90g, it´s still good!

I want to help you reach your goals. I want you to shine and walk like a confident queen!

to get 10 easy & simple Protein snacks to go to help you with weight loss, get strong, tackle your macros and keep snacking healthy food.

The guidebook is pinned on top of my private Facebook page with other free useful resources.

Got any questions? Then email me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Before I leave – have you ever found yourself training in the gym hard, putting all the work in, and then wondered why the progress was so slow?

Then enquire for my 1:1 coaching or check my programs to follow.

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